#SC Expansion

CTG is sold by Suma Capital to Stock Uno

Although the amount of the transaction has not transpired, market sources suggest that the company could be valued at more than twenty million euro. With this deal, Stock One will almost double in size, with combined sales of over 130 million euros and a workforce of over 6,000 people, based in Madrid and Barcelona and offices in all regions.

From Portobello, they explain that the deal makes sense from the standpoint of operations and business, as Stock One specialises in marketing at the point of sale and replacement of shelves in hypermarkets and promotional logistics, while CTC is especially strong in Barcelona and in industrial outsourcing, i.e. in the part of the factory production chain.

The objective of Stock One is to now focus on strengthening its business in Spain and Portugal, although they do not discount making a purchase in Latin America or France if the opportunity arises at some point in the future, says Juan Luis Ramirez, Portobello Capital partner. In the past five years, the company has invested around 30 million euros in timely acquisitions to expand its business. CTC is a company that was created in 1995, with a special place in sectors such as energy, automotive, food and technology, working for companies in the Ibex 35. In 2010, it was acquired in an MBO led by Juan Cruz Mayor, former CEO of Banco Sabadell. This director will continue to manage the company and it will become part of the shares of Stock One.

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