#SC Infra#Sustainability

Suma Capital acquires 90% of Zamora Eco Energías to build a renewable heat network in Zamora

Suma Capital has acquired a 90% majority stake in Zamora Eco Energías, a subsidiary of DH Eco Energías. The entity has obtained all the necessary licenses to build a renewable heat network in the city of Zamora, which will be powered by biomass boilers and will transport hot water for heating and sanitary water to the urban core of the city, one of the coldest regions in Spain.

The network is expected to be operational in 2024. With a capacity of 20 MW, the grid will supply heat to 6,400 homes, public and private non-residential buildings, with an estimated annual demand of 65 GWh. The project will promote the circular economy through the use of surplus forest biomass resources from sustainable forest management of the territory’s forests, thus contributing to the prevention of fires and the conservation of forest ecosystems. The use of this type of bioenergy will reduce CO2 emissions in the city of Zamora by up to 11,000 tons per year.

The acquisition of Zamora Eco Energías is aligned with Suma Capital‘s strategy, based on ESG criteria, which supports the energy transition and encourages the use of renewable energy sources such as biomass, increasingly popular in Europe due to its positive contribution to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and gas emissions.

“This investment represents an important step in our commitment to the energy transition and circular economy in Spain and Europe,” says Ruperto Unzué, partner at Suma Capital. “We strongly believe in the advantages of heat networks and are excited to work with DH Eco Energías, one of the leaders in the sector in Spain, to continue promoting the sustainable use of natural resources,” adds the expert.

This operation benefits from support from the European Union under the investEU Fund

La adquisición de Zamora Eco Energías se alinea con la estrategia de Suma Capital que apoya la transición energética y fomenta el uso de fuentes de energía renovable como la biomasa.

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