At Suma Capital we are very pleased to announce our adhesion as signatories to the business sign-on letter to G20 leaders of the We Mean Business Coalition, which urges all companies with a presence in at least one of the countries that are part of the G20 to demand greater climate ambition in the G20 Summit in 2021.
The charter, signed by the heads of companies in the G20 countries, calls for leaders to do everything in their power to meet the objective established in the agreement of the Paris Climate Summit (COP21) that global warming does not exceed 1.5° C.
The charter focuses its attention as a priority on reducing emissions, promoting the electrification of transport and the use of renewable energies, and requests that the public funds available to cover reconstruction after the Covid-19 crisis be allocated to climate action, stimulation of investment in green infrastructure, and disclosure of financial information related to climate risks, opportunities and impacts.
The combined voice of business is key in the run-up to the Glasgow Climate Summit (COP26), in order to give policy makers the confidence to unlock regulatory barriers for businesses to accelerate their climate action.
The We Mean Business Coalition‘s primary goal is to drive collaborative leadership to solve the climate crisis, catalysing action at the business and political levels to cut emissions in half by 2030, and accelerate an inclusive transition to a net zero global economy by 2050.