ATH Bioenergy



Investment date



In portfolio


In detail

Platform to develop four biomethane generation projects in the Canary Islands. The first plant will be built in Gran Canaria, followed by plants in Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. The plants will manage 128,000 tonnes of organic waste per year with the capacity to generate more than 9,000 tonnes of biomethane (equivalent to 134GWh/year) and 6,760 tonnes of fertiliser.

ATH Bioenergy positions itself as a circular solution for the efficient management of organic waste, especially from the hotel industry, transforming it into biomethane and fertiliser, and supplying it back to hotels and industrial consumers.

ATH Bioenergy is a joint venture between Suma Capital and Tibanna AG, a Swiss company that develops projects aimed at energy transition in remote territories around the world characterised by strong tourism activity.



Las principales ventajas del biogás son su potencial para descarbonizar la demanda de combustibles fósiles, que suele estar vinculada a usos térmicos en la industria y es difícil de descarbonizar con otras fuentes renovables. Al transformar los residuos orgánicos de la industria hotelera en biometano y distribuirlo de vuelta a los hoteles y consumidores industriales, ATH Bioenergy establece una plataforma de economía circular, gestionando los residuos orgánicos y reduciendo la dependencia del propano importado en el sector hotelero canario. Adicionalmente, los biofertilizantes derivados del proceso de generación de biogás también se distribuyen a agricultores locales, proporcionando una solución sostenible para un suelo agrícola libre de químicos.

Core SDGs


The management of waste needed for biogas production may compromise the viability of projects, while the lack of adequate natural gas infrastructure could reduce the interest of industrial consumers in sourcing renewable gas.